Le 12 March - Mysore - Karnataka

La presse en parle :

Des européens amoureux en Inde
du 12 March 2013

Spreading the message of Love & Peace
Star of Mysore du 13 March 2013

‘Love Caravan,’ a mission to spread love & peace thru music
Star of Mysore du 13 March 2013

Grande liesse
Mysore Herald du 15 March 2013

Meeting with the whole group in the morning and we are free until 2.30 pm. After going to the state bank to change money or try to retrieve from an ATM machine, some go to visit the palace of Mysore, a marvel, others find an art gallery, go to see the biggest cathedral of India:St Philomena. After the visits we discover a little restaurant in square Ghandi where there is a roof terrace and we can have some continental breakfast or brunch served, meaning no spice and some eggs and English toasts, and delicious coffee.Fun to go back to the hotel by rickshaw called also« touk touk ».The heat is intense and the pollution too.Many delicious fruits can be bought too on the street in many little shops.

We leave around 3 to a small village where the center »Ashakirana »( shelter fot children in crisis)is settled with 45 kids from the streets. Either orphants or kids from single mothers, prostitutes or under drug.The founder, a lady deceased last year has started this action 28 years ago and now 1900 children are integrated in the Indian society, working, beeing educated and having a decent life. Their welcoming is warm and they love to be taken in pictures. The piano is ready and

Olivia starts to play followed by Marc, then the « djembe » musician and the player of « dijiridou » and Joaquim with his « tuba ».Beautiful harmony between them, then Roselyn starts to dance, few more women too, inviting kids to follow them. The farandole grows and laughing and smiles illuminate their faces. Then Marc invites few children to play piano with him.Celebration of joy and chilhood, we are happy to share these moments with them. The sun goes down,they are going to study and we are returning to the hotel. We will never forget them.

The Caravaniers are happy to share a meal in a restaurant nearby and their impressions of the day.

Good night ,time to rest and tomorrow is an other day......

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